Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How To Care For Your Skin

Love on first sight
Photo By markus r.

There are three main areas that are most important when caring for your skin.

Those three areas are the cleaning of your skin, the moisturizing of your skin and the protection of the skin.

It all starts with cleanliness, as the other factors can't work as well if the skin is not cleaned properly.

With all the different cleansers on the market there is enough information to fill a book but it is worthwhile saying that you do not  have to spend lots of money to  get good quality cleanser.       
Makeup will need to be dissolved with oil-based creams before the face can be cleaned properly and then your preferred cleanser will remove any residue that could clog up your pores.

It is important that all traces of makeup are removed before you retire for the night as sleeping with makeup on can cause all sorts of skin problems as it clogs the pores overnight.

A good moisturizer will then help to soften your skin and replace the natural oils that are removed by washing.
This barrier that is created by the moisturizer will help to lock in the moisture that is in your skin.

And finally you will need to protect your skin.
There is nothing that will age your skin more than leaving it unprotected against the elements.

Sunlight is good for the skin but too much will cause damage and even a little too much can cause irreparable damage so always use sunscreen when outdoors.

Many of the moisturizers that are worn during the day have SPF sun protection factors and these are products that you should consider when out and about during the day for additional protection.

Even driving a car in sunny conditions can cause sun damage so these moisturizers are particularly good to use.

Protect your lips with balms to stop them from drying out and becoming chapped and wear sunglasses and eye creams to protect the delicate skin around your eyes.

Your skin is precious so treat is like so.

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